Frequently Asked Question

How to register Tax Invoice for GST only
Last Updated 4 years ago

Title : GST Invoice entry

Step 1 - Register invoice as usual under Registration Maintenance menu.

Payble > Invoice Registration > Registration Mantenance>Enter Purchase Registration

Step 2 - At Tax screen use product tax code 'OP' and Supplier Tax code 'TX'

GST tax invoice.jpg

Step 3 - Perform ICV process

Step 4 - GL Distribution process

GL distribution entry - Debit Input Tax

a) When enter the input tax GL accounts number a Tax box will pop up.

b) Input the tax information as required i.e. tax code for product i.e. TXT supplier code TX

c) Then the original amount then the tax value. Put in the transaction number.

Step 5 - Unverified for Payment process

Step 6 - Invoice for Payment process

Step 7 - Batch to AP Trans process

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