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Excel : Consolidate Numbers from Multiple Worksheet and Total to a Single Sheet
Last Updated 3 years ago

Title : Consolidate Numbers from Multiple Worksheet and Total to a Single Sheet

Information : The below consolidation will work when the data in the source areas is arranged in the same order and uses the same labels. Use this method to consolidate data from a series of worksheets, such as departmental budget worksheets that have been created from the same template.

Step 1 : Create 3 Worksheets in same Excel Workbook named (2012, 2013,2014) and worksheet to consolidate the Summary in 2015.


Consolidate 2012.PNG


Consolidate 2013.PNG


Consolidate 2014.PNG

Consolidate into 2015

Consolidate All 1.PNG

Step 1 to Consolidate

In worksheet 2015, From the Mene Tab select DATA and from the ribbon select Consolidate.

Consolidate All 2.PNG

The below screen will appear

Consolidate All 3.PNG

Clicks at 2012 Worksheet

Consolidate All 4.PNG

Highlight the area that you want data to be consolidated.

Consolidate All 5.PNG

Clicks Add Button and you can see the cell reference will be added with the area that you have selected.

Consolidate All 6.PNG

Then clicks on the 2013 Worksheet and continue to do the same process for 2013 and 2014 worksheet

Consolidate All 7.PNG

Consolidate All 8.PNG

Step 3 Click OK to end the Consolidation process and you can see the result as per below screen. Figure has been total up for all three years into 1 single sheet.

Consolidate All 9.PNG


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